Welcome to Little Acorns


Little Acorns Nursery opened in November 2006 and is situated at the back of Clease Hall within walking distance of Camelford town center. We are registered with OFSTED to care for 20 children during each session from the age of 2 to 5 years. Our nursery is divided into a main playroom and has a designated sensory room. Our setting also benefits from an outdoor area for the children to explore.  

We are registered to offer places under the Early Years Education Grant Scheme. This means that all children can have up to 15 funded hours per week beginning the term after their third birthday and some children of working parents will be eligible for up to 30 hours per week. Children with 2-year-old funding status can also access their 15 hours with us. To check what childcare help and support you and your child are entitled to go to www.childcarechoices.gov.uk

Little Acorns is a non-profit making organisation with charitable status and is run by a voluntary committee, of mainly parents, which is elected each year at the AGM held in September/October.


Our setting aims to:

  • provide high quality care and education for children below statutory school age;
  • work in partnership with parents to help children to learn and develop;
  • provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment;
  • add to the life and well-being of the local community; and
  • offer children and their parents a service that promotes equality and values diversity.


At Little Acorns Nursery we strive to work in partnership with parents and their children enabling an environment to be created where there is a strong link between home and the setting. We see parents as partners in their children’s learning and development and will invite you to be actively involved in your child’s nursery journey.

We believe that each child is an individual and should be supported this way as they grow. We help children build on their confidence, learn new skills, and strive towards achieving their full potential. We will teach the children to have respect and consideration for others whilst encouraging good values. We believe that interaction between an adult and child is very important, building strong bonds, role modelling, encouraging skills etc. We provide children with a key person when starting nursery who will build a relationship of shared trust and care with both children and parents.

We offer your child a safe, nurturing, secure and stimulating environment to promote active learning and encourage holistic development We utilise play opportunities, both structured and free flow to support children as they progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage, giving them the foundations, they need when the time comes to start at big school. 


Opening Times

We are open during school term time with the dates being set by Cornwall County Council.

Our ‘staff training days’ are arranged to coincide with those of Camelford Primary School so as to cause least disruption to parents with children at both.                         

We are open 9am – 3pm, Monday to Friday. We offer full day and/or morning and afternoon sessions.


Morning session        9:00am – 12;00pm

Afternoon session    12:00pm – 3:00pm

Full Day                     9.00am – 3.00pm




Alongside the curriculum the nursery runs the following programmes to help to support children not only with their learning but to also maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle both mentally and physically.


Letters and Sounds – this programme helps to support children with developing their understanding of letter sounds. This helps as a base to develop later reading and writing skills.


Teeth Cleaning –As part of the EYFS guidance we are working with our children and families to promote good dental hygiene. We do this by encouraging and supporting our children to brush their teeth once a day whilst at nursery.


Contact Details




01840 212114

Email Us  

Registered charity number: 1035065

OfSTED Registration No. 10278

Ofsted | Little Acorns Nursery